Hotjar Service Status

This is Hotjar's status page, where you can get updates on how our systems are doing. If there are interruptions to service, we will post a report here.

Report an issue
User Attributes not captured between 09:24 and 09:51 am UTC.
Incident Report for Hotjar
The incident has been resolved. Thank you for bearing with us.
Posted May 10, 2022 - 12:09 UTC
Our engineers have identified an issue that caused us to not capture User Attributes between 08:24 and 08:51 am UTC. We have fixed the issue and are monitoring the situation to make sure everything is working smoothly again. We’ll send another update soon to confirm whether the Incident is resolved!
Posted May 10, 2022 - 09:39 UTC
This incident affected: Application (Ingestion).